Our Philosophy Statement
Killeen Street Childcare Centre provide a warm, safe, caring and stimulating environment that meets the holistic needs of every child. Educators are guided by the Early Years Learning Framework in developing programs that support children to develop in a holistic manner, including socially, cognitively, emotionally, physically, and morally.
We believe that children are successful, competent, and capable learners who can construct their own knowledge of the world around them. We will endeavour to meet the needs of children's natural curiosity through play-based learning whereby children lead the program through evolving interests and abilities. We believe that the learning environment needs to be nurturing and engaging to build success for life.
We believe all children should be treated equally and each child’s social and cultural background valued and respected. Positive outcomes for children can best be achieved in environments and communities that are free from discrimination.
We uphold the principles outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We advocate for children’s right to play, providing the time, space, and freedom to play, take risks, and navigate everyday life. We strongly advocate for all children to receive equal opportunities regardless of socio-economic background, ethnicity, sex, race or physical ability.
We recognise the importance of communication and collaboration between families and educators to form positive relationships and a strong partnership. Killeen Street Childcare Centre aims to be an integral part of the community. We will encourage families to be active participants in the life of the Centre through sharing cultures, ideas, knowledge, strengths, and differences.
Killeen Street childcare Centre is a child safe organization. We have a zero tolerance to child abuse.
The safety and wellbeing of children will always be our priority. We are committed to ensuring children feel safe, happy and empowered, providing safe environments for all children. Our organization is committed to preventing child abuse, identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks. We will educate and train staff and volunteers to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to keep children safe and well.
We acknowledge and are committed to teaching the histories and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We aim to embed respectful relationships and environments that promote and enhance cultural inclusion.
We are committed to continuous improvement and maintain a culture of ongoing reflection and self-review. Effective evaluation and self-review enable our service to continuously improve our policies, procedures, and practices, which contributes directly to improved learning outcomes for children.
Need more information? Contact our team today!
We are a community run Child Care Centre based in Sunshine West